Fantasy Literature
Mercer County Community College Library
Fall 2011
Phone: 609-570-3550
Reference Collection
These books are available for in-library use only and do not circulate. However, photocopies can be made of the required pages.
Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature edited by Frank Magill call number: PN 56 .F34 97. Five volumes.
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Fantasy edited by David Pringle call number: PN 56 .F34 U48.
Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Writers edited by Marie MacNee call number: Z 5917 .S36 S29. Two volumes.
Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy edited by Robin Reid call number: PS 374 .S35 W63. Two volumes.
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works and Wonders edited by Gary Westfahl call number: PS 374 .S35 G74. Three volumes.
J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: Scholarship and Critical Assessment edited by Michael Drout call number: PR 6039 .O32 Z664.
Circulating Books
A selection of books available that can be checked out. Check out periods are for 3 weeks. Books can be renewed 1 time for a period of 1 week. Borrowing privilege information here.
The A to Z of Fantasy Literature by Brian Stableford call number: PN 3435 .S822.
Alice Beyond Wonderland: Essays for the 21st Century edited by Cristopher Hollingsworth call number: PR 4611 .A73 A37.
Middle-earth Minstrel: Essays on Music in Tolkien edited by Bradford Lee Eden call number: PR 6039 .O32 Z69.
The Road to Middle-Earth: How J.R.R. Tolkien Created a New Mythology by Tom Shippey call number: PR 6039 .O32 Z81.
The Golden Compass and Philosophy: God Bites the Dust edited by Richard Greene and Rachel Robinson call number: PR 6066 .U44 Z69.
From Homer to Harry Potter: A Handbook on Myth and Fantasy by Matthew Dickerson and David O’Hara call number: PN 56 .F34 D53.
The Fantasy Tradition in American Literature: From Irving to Le Guin by Brian Attebery call number: PS 374 .F27 A86.
Electronic Resources
Mercer County Community College’s electronic databases provide access to peer-reviewed, scholarly content. Many articles can be downloaded in PDF files. All articles can be printed and e-mailed to any e-mail address.
Literary Reference Center
Provides plot summaries, book reviews and literature criticism. Articles come from both scholarly, peer-reviewed journal as well as reference works such as Masterplots.
Literature Resource Center
Provides plot summaries, book reviews and literature criticism. Articles come from both scholarly, peer-reviewed journal as well as reference works such as Contemporary Literary Criticism.
Academic Search Premier
ASP contains over 4,000 scholarly publications in a variety of subject areas. If you have trouble finding resources in this database it might be best to add the keywords fantasy or literature to your search.
ProQuest Central
ProQuest Central, like Academic Search Premier, contains several thousand peer-reviewed publications in a variety of subject areas. Again adding the keywords fantasy and literature to your search is advisable if you get too few results.
JStor contains only peer-reviewed publications focusing on the liberal arts as well as some science subject areas. Be aware that JStor has a substantial embargo period of between 1 to 5 years. For example, the journal American Quarterly is available in JStor from volume 1 (1949) through volume 57 (2005).
Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database
A searchable index of science fiction and fantasy literature history, criticism, commentary, fan writings and some reviews are all included. Since this is only an index articles must be requested through inter-library loan.
A selection of peer-reviewed, scholarly journals and full-text journals available through the MCCC databases and the internet.
Fantasy & Science Fiction
American Literature
Searching for specific critics can be done the same way as search for specific works of fiction, just type in the critic’s name. Several prominent fantasy critics are listed below along with their websites and/or article links.
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